Monday, April 27, 2009

Bottle Biology Experiments

The sixth grade students have been busy rearing their green thumb. Experiments within the official experiments are being done as only a handful of the first batch of seeds germinated. Students then hypothesized the reasons and started over to accomplish their objective. Questions ranging from the effects of carbon dioxide to soda on plant growth are being tested currently. Stay tuned for our results!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How many earths do you need?

To find out about your lifestyle and the demand it places upon the earth play this game.
Your Global Footprint

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Science Reflection by Justin Yau

At the Wu Kai Sha mudflats I learned and observed a lot. I found out that just a beach contains numerous creatures. They were both small and big, each had different habitats. For example the black crabs usually lived under rocks and the smaller, white ones usually lived in holes. I observed that animals lived where food in plentiful, for example the crabs lived were the sand was moist and wet, where more microscopic creatures lived. I learned that animals lived where it is safe or camouflage to their body color, for example black crabs lived under large black rocks, and they were both protected by the body color and the rock from the outside environment. I learned that there was black mud under sand. Called iron sand, they were mainly created by bacteria that ate up the creatures in the sand making it smell like rotten eggs. I learned a lot on the science field trip.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Field Trip Feedback

The field trip to the Wu Kai Sha mudflats was
Pretty Cool
A little boring:(
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Wu Kai Sha Mudflat Field Observation

The 6th grade science students recently took a short field trip to the mudflats in Wu Kai Sha. The students learned about the mangroves, tidal movement, and observed bird, crab and sea snail behavior. Thank you parents, teachers and cooperative students for making this trip possible.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Transpiration In Action

Recently in science we have been learning about the water cycle. To observe transpiration the students have secured platic bags around leaves and after 2 weeks will determine the amount of water the plant releases as vapor. Stay tuned for our results!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Human Antibodies Found For Bird Flu!

click here
Check out this article about the recent discovery!